Manual QA Course

This course will be useful for both beginners in QA (manual tester) and those who already have work experience and who are going to look for a new job. The course helps to understand the basics of the profession and get some experience.

  • Applications structure and Life cycle

  • Test Documentation

  • Tests management Tools

  • Agile methodology

  • Basic SQL knowledge

  • Linux

  • Upon successful completion of the course participants will receive a verified digital diploma.

  • Duration: 2-3 months, 6-8 hours weekly

  • Prerequisites: Intermediate English, Basic computers skills.

  • Please note: the learning materials, examples, assignments are in English, the course instruction is provided in Russian


  • 1

    1. Manual QA Fundamentals

    • How to use this course?

    • Setup slack

    • Use slack on your PC

    • What is QA?

    • Manual vs Automation

    • Demo of Automation

    • QA mindset, Let`s play!

    • Applications Types and IT Roles

    • Software development life cycle

    • When does QA start?

    • Presentation

    • Self Learning: 20 principles of beginner

    • Self Learning: 7 testing principles

    • QA fundamentals quiz

    • Homework - FAQ and work with an instructor

    • Home Work how to - example (PDF)

    • Homework important notes

    • M1A1 - Simple object testing Assignment

    • M1A2 - Testing Assignment

  • 2

    2. Testing Levels and Types

    • Intro

    • Black box and White box testing

    • Unit, Integration, System and Acceptance testing phases

    • Sanity, Regression and Exploratory testing approaches

    • Functional Testing real life example

    • Non-functional testing

    • Testing types exercise

    • Presentation

    • Self Learning: Testing types Glossary

    • Self Learning: Exploratory Testing

    • Self- learning - Test Types, another point of view

    • Testing types quiz

    • Problem solving interview question

    • M2 - Testing types assignment

  • 3

    3. Test Planning - Zephyr Squad

    • Intro

    • Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

    • Test Plan

    • Test Design, Test Data and Environments

    • Test Cases, Negative Testing, Test Steps

    • Test Design Demo

    • Jira intro

    • Zephyr Squad

    • Add tests with Zephyr

    • Managing run cycles

    • Presentation

    • Self learning and homework part

    • Self learning: Creating Test Plans Using a Test Plan Template

    • TestCases Excel Example

    • Testing documentation quiz

    • WebSite testing cheat sheet

    • M3 - Website test project - documentation and QA

  • 4

    4. Web Application UI Test Design (TestRail)

    • Test Rail Lab Intro

    • UI components overview and High level UI test plan

    • Setup TestRail trial version

    • Login Screen integration tests in TestRail

    • Login screen fields tests

    • Create tests execution in Test Rail

    • Presentation

    • Self learning and homework part

    • Self learning - TestRail official tutorial

    • Self-Learning - Test management tools comparison

    • M4 - Test Rail and web project

  • 5

    5. Bugs tickets and Defects Investigation - Jira, Chrome Devtool

    • QA Life cycle and Bugs

    • What is the bug?

    • Responsibilities and bug Life Cycle

    • How to describe and open a bug?

    • Severity and Priority

    • Open Bug using Jira - demo

    • Bugs investigation demo

    • Presentation

    • Self-Learning and homework

    • Self-Learning - bugs management systems overview

    • Self-Learning - Cost of the Bugs

    • Self-learning - Top ten bugs in the history

    • Bugs quiz

    • Problem Solving Interview Question

    • M5 - Project: bugs investigation and Jira training

  • 6

    6. Client - Server testing with Postman, Swagger

    • Applications Structure

    • Frontend and Backend

    • What is API?

    • Why do we need to learn API?

    • Demo - how to send request in browser?

    • Postman and Project Setup

    • Sending GET request

    • Working with collections

    • Postman Variables

    • First Assignment

    • Assignment solution

    • Request parameters

    • POST request, sending JSON body


    • Second assignment

    • Assignment Solution

    • API testing Tips

    • Swagger Intro

    • Presentation

    • Self learning and homework part

    • Self Learning: How does Internet work?

    • Self Learning: What is the web page?

    • Self-Learning - Short JSON tutorial

    • App structure quiz

    • M6 - Server side Testing assignment - currency conversions API

  • 7

    7. Mobile Applications Testing

    • Intro

    • Testing Challenges

    • Applications types

    • Types of the tests

    • Functional testing

    • Compatibility testing

    • Usability testing

    • Performance testing

    • Stress testing

    • Permissions testing

    • Manual vs Automation

    • Choosing devices for testing

    • Phone simulators

    • Chrome Emulators

    • Presentation

    • M7 - Mobile tests assignment

  • 8

    8. BDD testing with Xray Test Management Tool

    • Intro

    • Hiptest was renamed to Cucumber studio - update

    • About BDD

    • About Gherkin

    • Gherkin single test Demo

    • Gherkin tables

    • Writing tests with Xray

    • Test Sets

    • Tests execution

    • Presentation

    • Gherkin examples

    • External resources: more about BDD testing

    • External Resources: BDD Versus Tradional Dev approach

    • M8 - Xray/Gherkin Assignment

  • 9

    9. Agile Testing - Jira, Confluence, Trello

    • Agile Intro

    • Waterfall vs Agile

    • Agile Rules

    • Agile team and processes

    • Trello as Agile tool Demo

    • Presentation

    • Create Scrum Project in Jira

    • Create and use Backlog

    • Scrum Board

    • Bugs in active sprints

    • Jira Epics

    • Release managment

    • Search and filters in Jira

    • Estimations and Story points

    • Self learning and homework

    • Self Learning - 7 minutes scrum intro

    • Self Learning - Standup meetings in IBM

    • Self-Learning: Scrum best practices

    • Self Learning - Agile Estimations

    • Agile quiz

    • Problem solving Interview Question

    • Presentation

    • M9Jira assignment

    • M9 - Web store project

  • 10

    10. SQL introduction

    • SQL Intro

    • What is Relational Database?

    • First Selects

    • Advanced commands and Sorting

    • Select multiple results and Count

    • Primary keys and Foreign keys examples

    • Update, Insert and Delete

    • Presentation

    • SQL basics quiz

    • M10 - SQL Assignment

    • Installing the MySQL Database on your PC

    • MySQL workbench Demo

    • M10 - Microsoft workbench practice

  • 11

    11. Linux introduction

    • Intro

    • Unix OS Family

    • Linux in QA tasks

    • What will you learn?

    • Install Linux (for windows users only)

    • Install Unix on win10

    • Alternative way of practicing Linux (Online)

    • Folders and Navigation

    • Files creation and edit

    • Copy and Move files and folders

    • Remove Files and Folders

    • Handling large text files

    • File permissions

    • Shell scripting

    • Processes and Memory/CPU status

    • Presentation

    • Shell scripts examples

    • M11 - Linux shell Assignment