About the course

After completion of this interactive course you will be able to work as Automation engineer. The course includes interactive online classes, video, useful information, quizzes, home assignments, work on real life QA projects as well as the opportunity to receive mentoring support by phone, Slack or any messenger. Duration of the course 2-3 months, 6-8 hours weekly

  • Basic HTML and CSS

  • Java Script programming

  • Git and GitHub

  • Cypress.io Automation

  • Devops tools: Github and Continuous integration

  • Performance and Load testing basics

  • Co-op with Legion IT Services or one of the company partners is an optional part of the course

  • Please note: the learning materials, examples, assignments are in English, the course instruction is provided in Russian

  • Prerequisites: Intermediate English, Manual QA methodologies and tools knowledge

  • Upon successful completion of the course participants will receive a verified digital diploma.


  • 1

    1. Automation Intro

    • About the course

    • Setup slack

    • Use slack on your PC

    • Intro

    • What Is Automation?

    • What can be automated?

    • Automation Benefits

    • Automation Limits

    • Automation Process And Lifecycle

    • Automation Developer Skills Set

    • Presentation

  • 2

    2. HTML and CSS

    • HTML Intro

    • One picture instead of many words

    • Visual Studio Code (VCS) Installation

    • Visual Studio Code Intro

    • HTML Elements and Tags

    • Working with Texts

    • Create a List

    • HTML Attributes and Hyperlinks

    • Working with Images

    • Assignment

    • Assignment Solution

    • Forms and Inputs

    • Radio Buttons

    • Checkboxes and Buttons

    • Dropdown Lists

    • CSS Intro

    • Adding CSS to Web Page

    • CSS Selectors

    • Code examples from the lesson

    • HTML and CSS quiz

    • M2- HTML and CSS Assignment

  • 3

    3. JavaScript Basics

    • Intro and Installation

    • First JS program

    • Variables

    • Functions

    • First Assignment

    • Assignment Solution

    • Arrays

    • Objects

    • Objects Methods

    • Second Assignment

    • Assignment Solution

    • If-Else Statements

    • For Loops

    • For In loops

    • Debug Mode

    • The code from the lesson

    • JavaScript quiz

    • M3 - Java Script assignment

  • 4

    4. Working with VCS: Git and GitHub

    • Git intro

    • What is Version Control System

    • Main Functionality of Git

    • Example of the Team Work

    • Git and GitHub setup

    • First Commit and Push

    • Pull and Conflicts

    • Git Clone

    • Pull Requests

    • Checkout and new branches

    • GitHub project Configurations

    • Commands List

    • Bonus: Using Git from Terminal

    • Git Ignore

    • Git Presentation

    • Git command line cheat sheet

    • Git quiz

    • M4 - JavaScript Assignment

  • 5

    5. Cypress UI Automation: installation and first tests

    • Introduction

    • About Cypress

    • Who is using Cypress

    • Advantages

    • Disadvantages

    • What are the requirements

    • Install Cypress io

    • First Test and Assertions

    • Cypress test class template

    • Selectors and Get method

    • Assignment-1

    • Assignment-1 solution

    • Verify the text of elements

    • Different ways to find an element

    • Add Cypress project to Github

    • Examples from the lesson

    • Cypress quiz

    • M5 - hotels tab automation assignment

  • 6

    6. Basic UI Automated Testing with Cypress

    • Click Element

    • Invoke command

    • Before and After

    • Input elements

    • Clear command

    • Radio Buttons

    • Assignment - 1

    • Assignment - 1 Solution

    • Select Option

    • Assignment - 2

    • Assignment - 2 solution

    • Cypress New Project creation

    • M6 - Cypress Project - Access Travel

  • 7

    7. Advanced UI Automated Testing with Cypress

    • Timeouts

    • Setting Base URL

    • Custom Commands

    • Commands Assignment

    • Assignment Solution

    • Selectors Storage

    • Data Driven Tests (DDT) Intro

    • Test Fixtures

    • Parametrized tests

    • Pause tests

    • How to add screenshots

    • Run Cypress from console

    • Examples from the module

    • M7 - cypress project2 - consumers energy management

  • 8

    8. Automated API Testing With Postman

    • Reminder

    • Introduction

    • Setup

    • Sending GET request

    • Working with collections

    • Postman Variables

    • First Assignment

    • Assignment solution

    • Request parameters

    • POST request, sending JSON body


    • Second assignment

    • Assignment Solution

    • Part 2 - Postman Automation and Assertions

    • What is Rate limiting?

    • UI representation

    • Run collection

    • Creating the first test

    • Verify response body

    • Third assignment

    • Assignment solution

    • JSON verifications

    • Advanced JSON verifications

    • Fourth assignment

    • Assignment solution

    • Export and Import

    • M8 - Postman assignment

  • 9

    9. Automated API testing with Cypress

    • Cypress API intro

    • Use Postman for debugging

    • First API test

    • Verify results list

    • Assignment1

    • Assignment1 solution

    • Add request params

    • POST calls

    • Data Cleanup

    • Using Fixtures

    • Examples from the lesson

    • M9 - Cypress API Assignment

  • 10

    10. Performance and Load testing - JMeter

    • Intro

    • What is the Performance testing?

    • Platforms overview

    • Responsibilities

    • Performance testing types

    • Examples

    • Performance testing lifecycle

    • Environments

    • Performance test tools overview

    • Simple tests with Apache Benchmark

    • JMeter Setup

    • UI console overview

    • Thread groups

    • Http Sample

    • Sample results

    • Assignment number one

    • Assignment Solution

    • Adding Timer

    • User Parameters

    • POST requests

    • Assignment number two

    • Assignment Solution

    • Assertions

    • Assertions Assignment

    • Assignment Solution

    • Run tests from Command Prompt/Console

    • M10 - Performance testing Assignment

  • 11

    11. Continuous Integration and Jenkins

    • Introduction

    • General Info

    • Development flow

    • Continuous Integration basics

    • CI Benefits

    • About Jenkins

    • Installation options

    • Jenkins Legion Sandbox

    • Jenkins Dashboard overview

    • Jenkins Projects Overview

    • Project Naming Convention

    • Run the first Job

    • Build with Parameters

    • Jenkins Assignment 1

    • Assignment 1 Solution

    • Integration with GitHub

    • Run Cypress Tests

    • Add Cypress results

    • Choose Browsers

    • Build Trigger

    • Web Hooks

    • M-11 Jenkins project

    • (Optional) Installation with Docker

    • (Optional) Docker: Stop Jenkins Container

    • (Optional) - Install with no Docker (MacOS)

    • (Optional) - Install with no Docker (Windows)